
Combatting Insomnia with the Deep Sleep Preset

November 22, 2023
Chris Garrett

Tossing, turning, clock-watching – the exhausting routine of insomnia is all too familiar for many. In the quest for a solution, various remedies are often explored. One emerging tool is the Deep Sleep preset, harnessing the potential of binaural beats to guide the brain into a restful slumber. Let’s delve into how this tool could be an ally in the battle against insomnia.

Photo of a person lying in bed, eyes closed, wearing sleep headphones, with a soft glow representing the deep sleep preset.

Understanding Insomnia

Insomnia is characterised by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early. Its repercussions extend beyond nighttime frustrations, impacting daytime functionality, mood, and overall well-being.

Binaural Beats: A Primer

Binaural beats involve playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear. The brain perceives a third tone – the mathematical difference between the two. These beats can influence brainwave activity, potentially guiding the mind into desired states of consciousness.

The Deep Sleep Preset: A Potential Insomnia Antidote

The Deep Sleep preset, oscillating between 90hz and 95hz, aims to:

  1. Sync with Natural Rhythms: The preset’s frequencies align with those dominant during deep sleep, potentially facilitating a more natural transition into this restorative phase.

  2. Promote Relaxation: By providing a consistent, calming auditory experience, the preset can help distract from intrusive thoughts or anxieties that often exacerbate insomnia.

  3. Reinforce Sleep Routines: Consistent use can create a sleep association, signalling the brain that it’s time to wind down.

Implementing the Deep Sleep Preset in Your Nightly Routine

  1. Start Early: Begin playing the preset around 30 minutes before your intended sleep time, allowing your mind to acclimate to the frequencies.

  2. Comfortable Volume: Ensure the volume is neither too loud nor too faint – it should be comfortably audible.

  3. Combine with Relaxing Activities: Pair the preset with calming activities like reading, meditation, or deep breathing for a synergistic effect.

  4. Limit Distractions: Reduce external stimuli, ensuring your room is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature.

  5. Consistency is Key: Make the Deep Sleep preset a regular feature of your bedtime routine.

Points to Consider

  1. Complementary Tool: While the Deep Sleep preset holds promise, it’s essential to view it as part of a broader insomnia management toolkit. This may include cognitive behavioural therapy, lifestyle changes, or medical interventions.

  2. Give It Time: The effectiveness of binaural beats can vary among individuals. If you don’t notice immediate benefits, give it time and combine it with other relaxation techniques.

  3. Seek Professional Advice: Persistent insomnia can be a symptom of underlying health conditions. If sleep disturbances continue, consult with a healthcare professional.

In the often frustrating quest for restful sleep, tools like the Deep Sleep preset offer a beacon of hope. By tapping into the natural rhythms of the brain and fostering relaxation, it provides a novel approach to tackling insomnia’s challenges. If sleeplessness has you at your wits’ end, why not try the Deep Sleep preset now? Embrace the possibility of peaceful nights and rejuvenated mornings.